What is E-cigarette battery mAh?

In the world of electronic cigarettes, there are many terms that can be confusing, particularly for beginners. One of the terms that can cause more doubts among people who don’t have much technical knowledge is mAh. You have probably seen mAh before in the context of e-cigarettes, when batteries are being discussed. You probably think that the higher the number, the stronger the battery, but you may still wonder what do these numbers mean. In this article, we will take a closer look at mAh to help you understand it impact when it comes to electronic cigarettes.

What is Battery mAh?

mAh refers to milliampere-hour and it is the standard of measurement for the total amount of energy that a battery or a similar object can deliver in the course of one hour. For instance, a battery that is rated at 1000 mAh can deliver up to 1000 milliamperes, or just one amp for one hour, before exhausting its capacity. .

What is the impact of mAh on e-cigarettes?

The mAh rating of your battery allows you to calculate how long will the battery last, but you need to know the number of amps that your electronic cigarette needs in order to continue working. What this means is that you will need to know how much e-liquid your battery and atomizer or cartomizer draws during use. For instance, let’s look at a regular e-cigarette with an atomizer rated for 2.5 ohm and a 3.7 volt battery. With such device, you’ll need 1.48 amps per hour when e-smoking, meaning that you will have to recharge a 1000 mAh battery after nearly 40 minutes of use. Keep in mind that this is the case only if you are a chain smoker.

If you only take a few puffs before setting the device down for a while, before using it again, you will likely be able to get 40 minutes of active smoking tome during the whole day. When you are using a battery with a different voltage or attachments that could have a higher or lower resistance, then you have to use an Ohm’s Law calculator to be able to find out the amount of base amps that are being drawn. At the end, you will find the drain in amps and you can multiply by 1000 in order to get the milliamps.

Calculating the exact drain that atomizer and cartomizer place on a battery can be a complicated task. The resistance offered can vary as much as 0.2 ohms less or they can have more resistance than what they are rated when they are in use. This means that calculating how many puffs you get from a fully-charged battery is very challenging, although you can still get a good estimate result.

Calculating Battery life

In order to find out how long your e-cigarette will last when a specific battery is in use, you check the battery life calculator. Enter the mAh rating of the e-cigarette battery or the battery you want to find the information for. Then, get the standard value of 1400 milliamps or the value you got in the previous step when you used the Ohm’s Law calculator. Then enter the Consumption of Device field. It is possible to calculate to get an idea of how long your battery can last in hours.

You should get a result that is a decimal value such as .123, unless your battery is really large. Then you can take the value and multiple it by 3600 in order to get the number of seconds that the e-battery can last. The value you get will be the total amount of seconds during which the e-cigarette can deliver puffs. If you follow the example value of .132 hours, you will get 475 seconds after making the calculations.

How to estimate the maximum puffs of an e-cigarette battery

The last step to take advantage of the mAh rating of a battery is to calculate the total number of puffs that you can get from it before there is no more e-liquid left. In order to get this information, you need to divide the total amount of seconds that you got in the previous step by the time your average e-cigarette puff lasts, meaning that if your average e-cigarette puff lasts about 3 seconds, you’ll get about 158 puffs before you have to put your battery on the charger.

Bear in mind that the amount of puffs that you get from the e-cigarette are likely to vary from teh number you get in your calculations. Usually, the number of puffs you get are usually higher since the voltage drops when you are using the device.