Best Electronic Cigarette Brands for 2015

In-Depth and Informational Reviews on the Best Vapor Cigarettes

Electronic cigarette reviews help inform the smokers that are making the switch to electronic cigarettes by the millions. With so many labels and brands hitting the shelves, very often first time buyers find themselves disappointed by the product and return to real cigarettes. We are real electronic cigarette aficionados and have gone through extensive testing of all the most reputable brands of e-cigs available. Most of us are now ex-smokers and although we’re not making claims, we know how electronic cigarettes allowed us to have an alternative that actually satisfied all cravings. We decided we would bring forth the best information possible to the public. Our vapor cigarette reviews aim to give you honest feedback and make an educated choice on your investment.

In exchange for our efforts, some of our favorite brands offer monthly and weekly sweepstakes for free starter kits to our visitors! Make sure to sign-up for the mailing list to automatically take part in all future prize announcements.

These are some of the top brands we reviewed at this year 2014:

1v2 cigsRead V2 Cigs ReviewVisit v2 cigs Site
2VaporFiRead VaporFi ReviewVisit VaporFi Site
3SmoketipRead Smoketip ReviewVisit Smoketip Site
4Apollo E CigsRead Apollo E Cigs ReviewVisit Apollo E Cigs Site
5EversmokeRead Eversmoke ReviewVisit Eversmoke Site
6Halo CigsRead Halo Cigs ReviewVisit Halo Cigs Site
7South Beach SmokeRead Vapor Couture ReviewVisit Southbeach Site
8Vapor CoutureRead Vapor Couture ReviewVisit Vapor Couture Site
9Vapor KingRead Vaporking ReviewVisit Vaporking Site
10white cloudRead White Cloud ReviewVisit Whitecloud Site

We know how important it is for all e smokers to get some feedback on the best electronic cigarette products on the market. With so much to pick from, it’s important to make an educated choice, especially that starter packages can be very expensive. We will help you be informed on all the important details you want to know and understand. We test for vapor volume, taste, battery life and provide in-depth information on the product design, functionality and all the product lines offered by each brand.
With so many cheap brands out there, health concerns can be real. We hand-picked the cream of the crop, only 100% safe and approved ingredients and laboratory tested brands with high reputation. The point of smoking e cigarettes is to pick a healthy alternative and it’s important to stay informed and away from unknown generic label brands at the convenience stores.

With that said, we also know how much one brand can vary to another. They have been improving technology year after year, bringing forth better and more realistic e-cigarettes. Some brands  offer some really strong design engineering that can really reproduce a similar feeling to real cigarettes. The amount of vapor, how it feels and flavor are all extremely vital to producing the best vapor experience. We test all that and more. Some companies offer really awesome accessories, others specialize in long-life rechargeable batteries or the best disposable e-cigs. Although all manufacturers fundamentally offer a similar product, the small details and features in the various designs is sure to offer something to please everyone.

When we first tried them, it was by no means a good cessation device and although we found it amusing and pleasant at first, we quickly returned to our unhealthy smoking habit. We quickly determined it was due to the lack of nicotine content in the e cigarettes we regularly purchased at the local gas station. Additionally the cost was often 10$ or more for our favorite flavors. The single use battery was said to be the equivalent to one pack of cigarettes. Although it lasted for lots of puffs, it would usually be dead by the end of the day.

After some time and leaning about e cigs, batteries and atomizers, we finally discovered that it is much better to buy online directly from the top electronic cigarette manufacturers. They offer better prices and adopted the online model over store shelves. It allows them to offer better prices and overall direct service and warranty. Although many reputable brands can be found in smoke shops, gas stations and bars, the price is always higher and returns often have to be done at the purchase location. All in all, the companies want you to buy directly from them and even offer free stuff to our visitors regularly.

After testing countless e-cigarettes, we can say there’s lots of good choices and sometimes what will make the difference will be based on personal taste. However, a couple of brands stand out from the pack for having great design and technology, along with a realistic smoking experience.

V2 Cigs

Read V2 Cigs Review

V2 Cigs is a favorite for many and generally a very solid electronic cigarette brand. The feeling that V2 Cigs provides is close to the real thing and leave you satisfied. The e-cigs have been developed in Florida by a team of dedicated designers and engineers, in true Apple Inc. fashion. The product is just amazing, the vapor produced by their high quality patented atomizer and powerful batteries is sure to please even the most regular e-cig vaping crowd. The excellent design is matched with great customer service, lifetime warranty and huge money saving options with e-liquid refill bottles. But there’s more, they also have the best tobacco flavor. This is where many e-cigarettes kind of miss the bulls-eye. It either tastes too strong or too sweet. The V2 Cigs V2 Red tobacco is very close to tasting like tobacco smoke. For menthol lovers, they also offer a great line. We highly suggest you check V2 Cigs out if you are looking for an alternative to smoking.

Halo Cigs

Read V2 Cigs Review

Halo Cigs has raised the bar for e-cig makers around the world with very unique e-juice blends all made in house using top ingredients and delivering excellent hardware that ranges from traditional electronic cigarettes to eGo and advanced compact vaporizers and tanks. Their Triton Tanks are known for being some of the best ever made and Halo Cigs really delivers on choice. Even the regular G6 e-cig batteries can be fitted with mini tanks, giving you the possibility to use re-fill bottles instead of disposable cartridges. Those who need a bit more power and vapor behind their device will be ecstatic with the selection offered by Halo Cigs. There’s so much from them that we still have not tested, but we can attest that everything we tried was really good. To learn more, head to our full review of Halo Cigs .


Read V2 Cigs Review

SmokeTip E-Cigs is somewhat the sleeper brand of them all. They have an unsuspecting simple design that does not wow the eyes but take our word for it, the quality is amazing. Although you probably won’t look cool and in style holding your SmokeTip e-cigarette, that is not what it’s about. The reason you are looking to use e-cigarettes is the same reason as everyone else, a real alternative to smoking. What SmokeTip offers is a device that helps tremendously in satisfaction in the most simple way possible. Instead of offering various starter kit models like everyone else, they have a 1 stop shop single kit to get you going and they couple it with a great battery warranty and free battery replacements with re-fill cartridge purchases. This means your investment lasts forever, and you really only ever need to pay for cartridges in the future and always have fresh operating batteries. That’s not all that makes SmokeTip great, they also offer a large selection of flavors and satisfaction delivery that is hard to beat. The cartridges produce consistent vapor, flavor and nicotine delivery throughout, where as most competitors start to loose strength after as shortly as the first 50 puffs. We strongly recommend you give them a try, especially if you like to use more than one brand, this is one you won’t regret. Get more info from our full critique of SmokeTip e-cigarette .


Read V2 Cigs Review

EverySmoke electronic cigarettes are offered from the same makers of VaperZone, who offer an excellent selection of e-liquids and advanced vaporizers. They also offer another similar brand called South Beach Smoke, and while they all look extremely the same, each brand has it’s own process and e-liquid lines to cater to their favored crowd. They offer standard looking e-cigarettes and all the same popular accessories found with all other big brands. Carrying cases that double as portable chargers, quality e-liquid flavors and solid customer service, you can find it all at EverSmoke. Where they shined the most in our books, was on cartridge or ‘cartomizer’ performance. Significantly better than most, each cartridge lasts close to 200 puffs while delivering solid vapor and flavor throughout until the end. Not all brands offer this kind of quality with their cartridges, we often mention how they start dying out at least half way and that is the main reason EverSmoke ranks high on our list. Get all the details on our EverSmoke review.

Apollo Cigs

Read V2 Cigs Review

Sometimes you try an e-cig and you instantly fall in love, and that is usually how it goes with Apollo electronic cigarettes. When we first tried the Apollo kits and consulted about our opinions and feedback, it was of general consensus that this what a great line of products. Apollo delivers on all fronts with standard e-cigarettes, superior eGo vaporizers and even a power variable mod vaporizer. Their e-liquid line is probably the best thing about them and we have consistently been extremely satisfied with their juice blends and quality on every order purchased. Apollo e-cigarettes are not bad performers but the advanced eGo kits gained much more popularity over the last year, which also lead to some increase in customer dissatisfaction. According to some reviews, Apollo hardware failures are on the rise and some had difficulty getting Apollo to honor their 30-day money back guarantee. Because these reports are in low numbers, we can’t completely shun our beloved Apollo e-cigs, but all complains must be taken seriously and for that reason, Apollo figures a little bit lower on the list. Head to our full review on Apollo e-cigs and stay tuned for our analysis of eGo.

Vapor Couture

Read V2 Cigs Review

Finally an electronic cigarette specifically designed with women in mind. From the makers of V2 Cigs, Vapor Couture hits a niche market that no one else has properly capitalized on; Fashion. Women and fashion are like two peas in a pod, and Vapor Couture gorgeously marries electronic cigarettes and designer fashion together, offering women the best of both worlds. From the designs and colors of the e-cigarette batteries and cartridges, all the way to wearable and fashionable necklaces, bracelets and designer clutch bags, VC accessories have it all. The jewel accessories double as battery carrying devices, while the clutch and hand bags allow you to carry a full charger kit with a few extra personal items all while looking like a superstar. Vapor Couture collections have been spotted across fashion runways and used by pop celebrities such as Rhianna. If you’re that fashion lady, you don’t need to look any longer, read our Vapor Couture review for the scoop.

South Beach Smoke

Read V2 Cigs Review

South Beach Smoke is the sister company of EverSmoke, also brough to you by VaperZone and they offer a more advanced line of devices that range into eGo and personal vaporizer mod realms. Those who like to have more power and clearomizer tanks will prefer South Beach Smoke over EverSmoke. They have a younger spirit approach and offer distinct flavors manufactured with only the best kosher ingredients. Being made by VaporZone, you can rest assured of the quality process that is put into creating their e-juice. Additionally, you can even create a custom flavor with South Beach, which has become a popular option among  e-cig makers and e-liquid stores alike. Overall, South Beach has a good product and it gets confusing to try and separate it from EverSmoke and VaporZone, but each brand works towards having their own identity and in turn catering to the audiences they most attract. Get more details by checking out our full South Beach Smoke review.

Green Smoke

Read V2 Cigs Review

Green Smoke is another great electronic cigarette brand. Selling millions and millions of e-cigs, Green Smoke e-cigarettes have been features all over NBC, Fox News, The Boston Globe and more. They having sponsored  Olympic teams, demonstrating the science and testing behind the quality and safety of their electronic cigs and the e-liquid used. Once again having technology and engineering behind their atomizers and long lasting batteries. They offer some of the best variety of flavors ever made using cutting edge Flavor Shield™ cartomizers that are famous for the vapor volume and flavor delivery and Green Seal™ flavor retention technology that keeps the e-cigs fresh.  They offer great saving options with seasonal deals and giveaways and also offer lifetime warranty as a testament of the quality of their electronic cigarette products.

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