Hooloo E-liquid Review

Since there is such a large variety of e-liquids available, things for vapers can get a bit confusing when it comes to choosing the right option for their needs. Its is possible to find all kinds of flavors and brands, but in the end, the best option is simply the one that you find more enjoyable. Hooloo is an e-liquid manufacturer that offers an interesting selection of e-liquids that are ideal for fans of sweet and fruity flavours. The eye-catching design of the bottles has gotten people talking about this brand, but here we’ll take a closer look at what they offer in terms of flavor.

Holoo e-liquids are made in California in an ISO 8 lab and the bottle comply with GCC and TPD regulations. You can get a 30ml bottle of Hooloo e-liquid from just under $17 USD and there are several options available. However, here we will focus on the fruit flavors that are available. They come in an orange bottle under the name “Dolo” and there is a great variety of options ranging from popular fruits to exotic flavors. Here is more about each flavor in the Dolo series created by Hooloo.

Banana Bomb

If you love the sweet and creamy taste of bananas, Banana bomb is the ideal choice. It tastes like banana nut bread, with a hint of spice. You can taste the cinnamon, which adds a great touch to the blend, making it stand out from other banana e-liquids out there. Banana bomb is rich, without being overpowering.

Guava Apricot

Apricot is not a flavor that can be easily recreate in an e-liquid, but Hooloo has managed to deliver great results by combining it with sweet Guava, for a tropical sensation. The two fruits are great together and you can truly taste them both in this deliciously sweet e-liquid.

Pear Berry

Pear Berry is a unique option that provides a refreshing taste that combines pear and bilberry. It is ideal for fans of cool flavors that range from a subtle sweet taste, to a sour berry note. If you are looking for something that truly feels different, this is an excellent choice since it not like any other flavor that you may have tasted before. Although Pear Berry may not please everyone’s taste, it is a good option for those who want something different.


Bananas and strawberries go well together as they combine sweetness and a little sourness to create a perfect balance. Hooloo has done a great job bringing these two popular fruits together in this enjoyable e-liquid. You can really feel the taste of both fruits and it delivers a refreshing sensation that will make you feel like you are drinking a delicious smoothie.

Kiwi Melon

This is a refreshing, subtle combination that is perfect when you need a clear taste after trying many different e-liquid flavors. The sweet and zesty taste of Kiwi allows you to enjoy a unique vaping experience and the melon adds a cool hint that makes things even better. If you want an option that is not too intense, but that delivers a smooth vaping experience, this is it.

Gummy Candy

Gummy bears can’t be considered as one of your five a day, but they are known for their intense fruity flavors. Now Hooloo allows you to enjoy a vaping experience that will make you feel as if you were eating a handful of gummy bears. There are many colors and tastes available and although the variety may be overwhelming for some, it is an interesting option. Still, if you prefer flavors that have a taste that is more natural and that don’t mix so many options in one, this may not be the best choice.


Hooloo’s fruity flavors are a good option for vapers who enjoy sweet options that are simple and not overpowering. They offer an enjoyable experience that doesn’t feel too sweet or artificial. The fresh fruit options are particularly good and there are refreshing, icy, as well as creamy and rich flavors available in this range. The e-liquids offer great quality and solid packaging. You will be able to truly taste the fruit that is replicated in the e-liquid and there is not strange taste left in your mouth. They are highly recommended.